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Amoneon is a drawing and social network sharing tools to turn your image or a blank canvas into your perfect neon painting. Click "...More" to learn why you should download this App today!

Amoneon is a variant of the comprehensive photo editing app Amopic. Instead of providing professional image editing tools on Mac, Amoneon provides fun and amazing tools to quickly turns the picture in neon style

Amoneon drawing tools include:
* Paintbrush / Pencil, eraser
* Text of different colors, size
* Shapes (Line, Star, Polygon etc)
* Spirograph

Amoneon filters include:
* Brightness and Contrast refinement
* Flashlight and Lighten effects

Amoneon adjustment features include:
* Crop
* resize
* flip
* rotate

Since its right there on your device, Amoneon goes everywhere that you go. Whether youre sitting on a park bench, at the beach, or on your lunch break at work, you can quickly and easily create your neon painting and save them in your device. Nobody will believe that you created it on a mac device!

Download Amoneon now. Youll create perfect neon painting in minutes, but your friends will think it took you hours.


See Amopic in action here: